Sports Betting as an FBI Crime

Federal Bureau of Investigation, or the FBI, is the principal federal law enforcement agency of the United States. In other words, they are primarily responsible for the safety of the entire country.

This means that they, too, need to make sure that every illegal activity in the country has been neutralized.

On the other hand, sports betting is the act of betting on the odds of sports. The activity ranges from who scores first up to who will win the entire game or even a season. As far as the entire United States is concerned, they do not allow such activity for a certain reason.

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The Crime in Sports Betting

Do you know that their main reason for regarding such activity as an FBI crime? It is because of the manipulation that goes around with it. And this isn’t just about how big sharks can manipulate their money by laundering it through this channel, it’s about manipulating the game as a whole.

You may not be familiar with this but there have been times where people who actually played in a sport tried to throw off their game in order to make the other team win. And do you know how they end up doing that? It’s because they start betting on their own game.

You see, if you bet on your game or even on other sports and you start losing, you’ll eventually go in deep debt. If you fail to pay these debts, there is a chance that they’d make you pay in another way which is through manipulating you to lose a game.

Because of this manipulation, the FBI would like to make sure that those who are determined to play dirty will be behind bars once they know who they are. This probably is also the reason why sports betting isn’t legalized yet.